I am not the girl
That you think I am
I get lonely
And I even get sad
I know its hard to believe
Because I always wear a smile
But the truth is
That I get scared every once in a while
I get scared that no one will ever
Love me the way I am
I get scared that you'll push me away
And you'll tell me that I'm bad
I'm sorry if I'm not the girl you were looking for
It's ok if you leave me broken
And hurt like before
The truth is that the truth
Is hard for me to speak
I'm scared that if you know the truth
You will think I'm weak
But now I stand before you
To let you see inside
I've grown tired of wearing a mask
I no longer want to hide
If you stay or if you go
I know I'll be ok
I want to be with the ones who love the real me
And do not push her away
#poetry #openheart #lovetheLightandDark #sharelove #sharebliss #sharepeace #sharefun #energyhealer #sharejoy #MotherEarth
If you want people to love you for who you truly are, you have to let them in. Let them see the real you. Vulnerability is beautiful and takes great courage. Slowly begin to open your heart in safe places. Look for those who will accept you and let the others go :)