Hi! I am your sister from another star.
I love you just the way you are.
I am always with you in your heart. Please dont fear that we will ever be apart.
You come to see me in your dreams. You know where to find me through the light beams.
You are a beautiful picture of perfection.
You are a star seed meant to wake up and remember our connection.
#poetry #arcturian #extraterrestrial #love #sharelight #sharesmiles #sharelove #sharebliss #sharepeace #sharefun #energyhealer #sharejoy #MotherEarth #crystals #connection
I love extraterrestrials and connecting with them. I channeled this poem from one of the arcturians I met a few weeks ago in meditation.
It's absolutely fine if you do not believe in aliens or communicating with them. You are more than welcome to simply see this poem as art :)